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Week Two: Something I'm Looking Forward To

This week's (well, okay, the week two) challenge is to write about something I'm looking forward to in the next twelve months.

Well, there's a lot of change happening in our family in that time period, what with Rachel starting school and me starting work, both full-time. Unlike the past few years, we don't have any major travel plans (yet!), which is something I always look forward to.

However, in a couple of weeks the kids and I are going to Saskatchewan to spend a little over a week with my parents. (I guess in my mind, going to Saskatchewan doesn't count as "travel" -- ha ha ha!). Since I haven't been to Saskatchewan in over a year and a half, and not in summer for two years, I'm really looking forward to all of it but especially enjoying some views like this:
And while I anticipate that working full-time is going to be a little crazy, I am really looking forward to the extra income that it will bring after four years of being a one income family. (I hope I can say that without sounding mercenary. And I actually realized in the shower the other day (because that's where I have time to think!) that this will be the first time in our relationship where both Dave and I are earning full-time incomes because he was a student for the first six years. This is huge! End tangent.) After all, beside being responsible and investing some, paying down our mortgage some, and giving a little more away than we've been able to, we're also hoping to plan a fun vacation for next August, once my year is up. Yay! (Yes, it always comes around to travel for me. What can I say?!) And I'm making a list in my head of small (and some bigger) house things I want to do. Some of them are more necessary, and honestly, some of them are just fun :)

One last thing I'm looking forward to in these next twelve months is Rachel starting school. I think she is so ready and will really enjoy it and I'm excited to see how the whole experience will go for her.

So I think that's about it. Of course, I know that these next twelve months will hold gifts (and challenges) that I can't even anticipate right now, so it'll be interesting to re-visit this post next year and see how things have changed.

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