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Just Kiss Already Blogfest

Happy Valentines Day!!

The hubs and I aren't Valentines Day people. We have tried, but it's just a day to do what you should be doing all year long--loving one another. BUT I do really enjoy the candies and the pretty red stuffs. So we usually just have a nicer than usual dinner. I asked for those chalky cheap hearts with the words on them this year too. I love those things.

And I couldn't NOT want to participate in Stina Lindenblatt and Christina Lee's Just Kiss Already Blogfest!! It was just too sweet to pass up! All you have to do is post a 250 word excerpt from your work or a book with actual kissing involved. Easy-peasy!

Hop around to check out everyone else.

"Now, finally, he has found her, and he has found his children, and there is no rush, for they have all eternity to love one another.

And she is kissing him and he is kissing her and the tears she has held back for five years, the tears that I knew could transform the moment, the tears that had to be saved for the right moment to transform, now come streaming down and drop on the face of the man whose head is cradled in the woman's arms. Zel's tears fall in Konrad's eyes, hot and salty and full of life. He blinks them in, absorbs them; they are now his own tears, and yes, he can see.

And they see each other, and yes, oh, yes, we are happy. "~Zel by Donna Jo Napoli

I could read that story a million times and still read it again, loving it's magic like it were the first. Swooooon. I HIGHLY suggest it. 

What do you have planned for today? Do you have a go to book that you could read over and over and never not love every second of it?

I hope you all have a great day!! Happy Monday!!

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