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Vikinges Go Berserk

Vikinges Go Berserk

Whyle goinge through my copye of the Elder Edda, Ich dyd fynde a seccioun yclept 'The Younge Persones Edda,' the which hath verye gentil and mirthful poemes for children concerninge the deedes of valiant warriors, and eek of the Tree of Givinge that Ys Callid Yggdrasill, and eek of the Aesir and the Vanir and the Beares of Caring. Belowe, Ich have typed yn my favorite of thes fyne poemes. Enjoye, gentil folk of the blogosphere.

The Eddic Poem of the Vikinges Who Do Go Berserk

Oon Vikinge, al aloon
Carveth a bynde-rune on a bone.

Two Vikinges heed the calle
And steer their longshippes to hys halle.

Thre Vikinges, thankes to Thor,
Bringe along anothir four.

Fyve vikinges arryve decked yn sylver and gold.
Six vikinges showe up wyth a mightye troll.

Seven vikinges arryve aftir a sack.
[Manuscript defectif, prose interpolation addid: The saga at thys poynt also doth saye that on thys night eight vikinges crept wyth great stealth through the entrance yn the back.]

Nyne vikinges enter bearing swordes of Weylandes werke.


While the sunne doth shyne al nighte
Vikinges feest wyth great delighte.

But as everye joye ys followid by woe,
Yn the morn the vikinges must go.

Nyne vikinges and a mightye troll
Joyne eight moore for sea patrol. 

Seven vikinges yn shippes sayle west
And leave six vikinges wyth bitter jests.

Fyve vikinges go to playe hnefatafl
Whyle four vikinges to the east head off.

Thre vikinges go to straunge landes to seeke their glorye.
The last two vikinges are no longir menciouned yn thys storye. 

Oon Viking, al oon oones moore,
Doth yearn for the othir fortye-four. 

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