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My nails get quite a hammering with day to day activities so it's quite difficult to keep a full set going. Apart from being on the ends of active fingers and hands they do quite a few jobs themselves. If you are particularly squeamish avoid reading the following list.

Nail activity list

Scraping bottoms of pans
Picking and flicking!
Scratching back and cats
Picking up very small objects such as pins and needles
Squeezing spots!
Picking bits out of the corners of eyes
Drumming out tunes on surfaces when bored
Picking scabs off wounds
Screwing screws
Cleaning out other nails
Pushing back cuticles

I'm sure you can think of more uses.

When I can I like to dress them up. Black dress for dancing this week - so black nails to match. So that I'm not too funereal DD put a daisy motif on one finger nail.

'Diamonds' of course!

The batting has arrived - I'm busy practising quilting.

PS Bets, I totally approve of your daughter's colours. What a gal!

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