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Italian wars 45 landsknecht command

 Well here it is merry Christmas, everybody's having fun,look to the future, it's only just begun!" As the strains of Slade circa 1973 fade into the background, I present a mounted Landsknecht commander, which I offer up as a prize for Peter Douglas and his renaissance armies ,as he plays Pike and shot I know you need a lot of command figures! Taking part in the Analogue hobbies painting challenge means you have to paint a figure and now you can choose who you paint for and having lost a renaissance painting duel alongside him I figured he could do with another!

He's a venerable Essex figure and indeed was the first figure I picked up when I restarted my Italian wars after a 30 year interlude, he has lain in his box while others have been purchased and painted but finally he has been painted and stands ready to make his way to Canada in due course. 

My main focus for this challenge was going to be Napoleonic, I have 100s of figures primed and ready to go,  so with laser precision I have lasted a day and started 48 gendarmes for the Italian wars! I'm not convinced I'll finish them , let alone the Napoleonics!

He's a  bit of a lump but paints up nicely,  the final shot is of him in his temporary home and also shows his size in comparison to the Foundry command and pike behind,  right back to the gendarmes and no doubt Noel is trembling in fear at the 10 points towards our cavalry duel, or maybe not !

Merry Christmas!

Best Iain 

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