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Happy Saturday

Cabbage Rabbit Planter, Garden Statue, Rabbit Statue, Garden Rabbit Statue, Concrete Rabbit, Concrete Statue, Lawn Decor, Planter, Rabbits

We awoke very early and left the house in 30 minutes. The sky was brilliant with sun and blue skies with a few beautiful clouds.

Tommy really likes going anywhere in the morning because he can get a sausage biscuit and senior coffee. I am going to try and make some for the freezer only to be eaten when we are going somewhere. So, we got that this morning.

I wanted to get bulbs from the Naked Ladies or Resurrection Lilies that were blooming in my yard.  I called my friend down the street to see if she would get them, digging in the dirt.  I was having trouble walking and was afraid I would fall down.

She got most of the bulbs up, brought them to car. I offered her three bulbs. She said she was coming back because there were more, she thought.

When I asked her, she was not dressed. We were at Publix and told her we were coming back as she told me to come get a gallon of blueberries. She offered me a "stone bunny" that I have admired. I was sort of stunned. She said she wanted someone to have it that loved it as much as she did. WOW!

My bunny has a cabbage in which to plant flowers. I have no idea why the bunny is up above with the lilies!

She had gotten old fashioned roses from my wall and had them growing up from the ground to her deck. She was really happy with the roses.

I felt horrible today. I burned my arm last night, got little sleep and just did not feel well. So, all this made me happy--bunny planter, a gallon of strawberries and a quart of blueberries. And, my bulbs were rescued.  The strawberries she gave me were washed and ready to use as were the blueberries. We arrived home about noon, and have to go to the store. Then, I need to plant the bulbs and take a nap.

Do you remember the cooking bag that had the bottom fall out while I had food in it? Well, it did. I received a coupon for $4 to apply to another box of bags. I was told I would get a replacement coupon. I certainly hope $4 covers the replacement. If not, I will call again. But, I can get more cooking bags now. Okay, the $4 coupon bought the $3.69 cooking bags. All is well. 

This was certainly a pleasant day so far. But, it will be better when I can get in the bed for a  nap!

What pleasant things have happened to you today or any day?

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