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AC. The time before coronavirus. Those days before the Age of Coronavirus. Ante Coronavirus. AC. The antebellum when things were more civil. (Barely. Maybe. If. Not at all.) AC. When the air was conditioned differently. Surfaces, too. And lungs, limbs, skin, psyches, hearts. All different. In the time before the Age of Coronavirus. Ante Coronavirus. AC.

When did that age end and another begin? Was it a single day or a string of days? Or was it a particular pain, a personal loss, a headline, a sign in a doorway, a face mask, a ventilator, a news report, or a rumor? Was it one of those things that drew a line in the sand? The end of an era. The beginning of a time.

That time is now. We are in the During Coronavirus era. DC. We are experiencing, suffering, enduring, coping, failing, prevailing -- and living and dying -- in the During Coronavirus times. DC.

There are heroes. Some named, some anonymous, some known, some unknown.

There are many heroes.

There are silver linings. No, too much shimmering and glitter in that term. How about: there are truths, rewards, heroics, discoveries?


Amidst the dark, the harrowings, hauntings, emptinesses.

No one knows how long During Coronavirus will last. No one knows what comes after DC.

After AC/DC.

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